We created a new development machine, installed BizTalk server 2016, and ran the Management_Install script to install the ESB portal. However, the script failed to compile ESB.port solution with below error:
Error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files
was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and
that the file exists on disk.
This is because the script used the wrong version of Visual Studio to compile the ESB.Portal solution for VS 2015
To resolve this issue, we added the Visual Studio parameter to line 25 of the Management_Install.ps1 script:
&$FrameworkPath"\"$TargetFrameworkVersion"\MSBuild.exe" $relativePath"\ESB.Portal\ESB.Portal.sln" /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=$buildType /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0