BizTalk BTDF: Backfilling Port Binding Masters for BTDF Using Environment Binding Export 27. May 2020 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) Using BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) to create installers for BizTalk applications helps make the deployment much easier. we've setup a tool that can take in the Environment Settings File Generator, the environment name, and an exported environment binding file. [More]
BizTalk Server: Consuming your Business Rules (BRE) from SQL Reporting 29. October 2018 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Microsoft Business Intelligence, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) Making SQL Reporting Play by YOUR Rules - Using the BizTalk Rules Engine from SSRS. [More]
BizTalk Server 2010 to 2016: Upgrade Issues - WCF SQL Adapter and NULL Handling Differences 22. May 2018 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Phidiax Technology, .Net, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (1) How to get around the WCF SQL Adapter handling of NULLs post BizTalk 2010 without having to rewrite all maps. [More]
SQL Azure: DataContext Error : The context cannot be used while the model is being created 25. February 2018 Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) What else can cause a DataContext to error when being accessed besides thread and initialization errors? Bad models of course! [More]
How To Run SSIS Packages on Azure Data Factory, with Logging to Application Insights 27. December 2017 Microsoft Business Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) Running SSIS Packages on Azure Data Factory while Using Application Insights to track SSIS Events. [More]
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS): How to Justify Text (Part 2) 4. October 2017 Microsoft Business Intelligence, Phidiax Technology, .Net (9) How to fully justify text in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). [More]
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS): How to Justify Text (Part 1) 28. September 2017 Microsoft Business Intelligence, Phidiax Technology, .Net (2) How to fully justify text in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). [More]
Denver Dev Day - 6/23/2017 - Phidiax Wrap Up 27. June 2017 Phidiax News & Events, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Microsoft Azure Stack (0) Denver Dev Days 6/23/2017 - Dave Milner Reports! [More]
Why You should be Using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) Right Now 9. January 2017 Daniel Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Microsoft Office 365, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Service Oriented Architecture, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) Why use Microsoft Azure Active Directory? This document is relevant to both Azure AD B2C and Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS), as both of these Microsoft offerings provide authentication/authorization services to cloud applications. [More]
Microservices, .NET Core, the Cloud, Azure, and You 2. January 2017 Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Microsoft Office 365, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Microsoft Azure Stack (0) A crash-course review of progression in technology trends, resulting with Microservices, Azure, Microsoft Cloud, and supporting technologies. [More]
SQL SSIS Editor Error - Method not found set_DataPreviewTimeout(Int32) 17. November 2016 Microsoft Business Intelligence, Phidiax Technology, .Net (4) After installing SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for VS 2015, SSIS Package editing for source components Fail (Method not found set_DataPreviewTimeout(Int32)) This blog provides a fix. [More]
The Data Organizer - A Personal Data Organization Tool 20. October 2016 Daniel Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) The Data Organizer application was created to save a user's time by providing a hierarchical scratch-pad that allows the creation and organization of textual data, without the need for repeating the steps of creating folders and files or editing and saving those files in a text editor window. [More]
BizTalk: Schema Generation Issue During Integration with AssureSign Service 15. October 2016 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Phidiax Technology, .Net, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) BizTalk integration with AssureSign. Solution for Schema Generation failure due to TLS 1.2. [More]
BizTalk: TLS 1.2 Issue During Integration with AssureSign Service 14. October 2016 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Phidiax Technology, .Net, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) BizTalk integration with AssureSign. Solution for TLS 1.2 Error. [More]
How to configure Windows Authentication for a WCF Service with Client Credential passed through to BizTalk over SSL 8. November 2015 BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Phidiax Technology, .Net, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) Configure a WCF web service to supply the client Windows Authenticated credentials through to BizTalk for further processing over SSL, and exposed to the public domain. basicHTTPbinding, BizTalk 2013 R2, .Net 4.0, WCF, SoapUI [More]
Open Web Service Software Factory (WSSF) - Build for Visual Studio 2015 21. July 2015 Phidiax Technology, .Net, Service Oriented Architecture, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) Visual Studio 2015 ready - Web Service Software Factory WSSF by the Microsoft Standards and Practices group for contract-first development, modeling, and practices. [More]
Parallel LINQ (PLINQ) Thread Safety - Using AsParallel + List<T>.Add() Returns Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object 1. June 2015 Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) for large data operations to automate threading returns "Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object" due to Thread Safety if not using ConcurrentBag. [More]