Microsoft Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 - Denver (#GlobalAzure) was a success with almost 300 registrants. Thanks to all that made it out, and contributed to its success.
Special Thanks:
- Speakers – For giving so kindly of your time and
efforts to provide your knowledge to our community
- Ryan McIntyre – For Microsoft Sponsor support, and
managing technical and recordings
- Nathan Taylor – For continued support through
envisioning and planning
- Allison Horn – For managing coordination of Microsoft
- Dave McKinstry – For overall support and logistics
- Tom Canter – For managing technical
- Stephanie Martin, Curtis Sawin – For planning Microsoft
sessions and providing goodies
- Adam Patridge – For adding Xamarin University to the
mix and providing goodies
- Phidiax Team – For traveling across the country to help
- Sponsors
See you next year!